AKVS architecture is multiply awarded architectural studio based in Belgrade, Serbia. The studio strives to develop experimental models of living space in all typologies and scales, to redefine common spatial and social patterns, and to push the boundaries in the understanding of space by all actors during the design process.
Anđela Karabašević and Vladislav Sudžum are architects with a background in mathematics. Anđela is doing her PhD thesis while teaching at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, Serbia, and Vladislav holds a degree in Thermal Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, Serbia. Over the years, they have actively been involved in a number of national and international architectural competitions and exhibitions. In 2019, their Summer Houses project won the prestigious GRAND PRIX AWARD at the 41st Salon of Architecture in Belgrade, Serbia.
AKVS studio's research is focused on the phenomena of architectural atmospheres, the production of atmospheres and a scientific basis for atmospheric processes in architecture. In 2017 their research proposal 'Unsettled Air: Atmospheric Dimensions of Architecture' has been selected by Harvard GSD Wheelwright Prize jury (Gordon Gill, Mariana Ibañez, Gia Wolff, Mohsen Mostafavi and K. Michael Hays) from more than 200 applicants in over 45 countries to compete for the prestigious 2017 Wheelwright Prize scholarship.
- awards & accomplishments |
- Student City Extension and Adaptation, Belgrade, Serbia | RUNNER-UP 2023
- Archaeological Park "Belo Brdo" Vinča, Belgrade, Serbia | FIRST PRIZE AWARD 2022
- Eco Settlement Petrovaradin, Novi Sad, Serbia | FIRST PRIZE AWARD 2022
- Faculty of Music, Belgrade, Serbia | RUNNER-UP 2022
- Medieval Experimentarium, Landshut, Germany | EUROPAN 16 SPECIAL MENTION 2021
- Creative-Innovative Multifunctional Centre "Ložionica", Belgrade, Serbia | FIRST PRIZE AWARD 2021
- Residential-Commercial Complex Slavija-Manjež, Belgrade, Serbia | FIRST PRIZE AWARD 2021
- Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade - Pavilion and Depot extension, Belgrade, Serbia | SECOND PRIZE AWARD 2021
- National Library of Serbia - Gallery and Depot extension, Belgrade, Serbia | SECOND PRIZE AWARD 2021
- Open International Competition for Alternative Layout Design in Standard Housing, Strelka KB + DOM.rf, Russia | FIRST PRIZE AWARD 2018
- Serbian Embassy in Canberra, Australia Competition | FIRST PRIZE AWARD 2018
- Zoran Đinđić Memorial Competition | SECOND PRIZE AWARD 2017
- Unsettled Air: Atmospheric Dimensions of Architecture | Harvard GSD Wheelwright Prize FINALISTS 2017
- Kamendin Social Housing Competition | SECOND PRIZE AWARD 2015
- Aluartforum Competition | SHORTLISTED
- RTS Memorial Competition | SECOND PRIZE AWARD 2013
- D3 Housing Tomorrow 2013 | SPECIAL MENTION 2013
- Museum of the Immortal | RIBA President's Medals Exhibition 2012
- published papers |
- COMPUTATIONAL ATMOSPHERICS AS A DESIGN TOOL | International Journal of Contemporary Architecture "The New ARCH", 2017 | pp. 35-43.
- ATMOSPHERIC DIMENSIONS OF ARCHITECTURE | Serbian Architectural Journal, 2016 | pp. 179-192.
- SYMPTOMS OF RISC IN THE AIR: SHOPPING MALL AND THE SIMULATION OF PUBLIC CLIMATE | Climate change influences on design and planning V: Serbia, 2016 [in Serbian]
- ARCHITECTURAL ATMOSPHERE IN THE AGE OF COMPUTATIONAL SIMULATIONS: THE CASE OF PRE-CONSTRUCTED SPACE | STRAND, Going Digital: Innovations in Contemporary Life: Conference Proceedings, 2015 | pp. 113-124.
- POETICS OF AIRFLOW IN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: THE CASE OF BAMIYAN CULTURAL CENTRE PROPOSAL | PLEA 2015 - Bologna, Architecture in (R)evolution: Conference Proceedings, 2015
- WORLD RISC SOCIETY AND AIR QUALITY: THE CASE OF AIR-CONDITIONED ARCHITECTURE | Climate change influences on design and planning IV: Guidelines and Recommendations, 2015 | pp. 139-149. [in Serbian]
- THE MATTER OF VOID: FROM ABSOLUTE SPACE TO DYNAMIC FLOWS | ENHSA - EAAE 2015 - Barcelona, What’s the Matter: Materiality and Materialism at the Age of Computation: Conference Proceedings, 2015 | pp. 895-908.
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- contact |
- akvs.arch@gmail.com